Saturday, January 31, 2009

Finish January with a bang

After succumbing to the pressure of friends, I'm embarking for the blogsphere.

Don went to work this morning to add to his usual paycheck and I didn't think much of it since he regularly does that and he usually rides his motorcycle to save on gas. I spent my day doing the usual: pestering the children to pick up and clean their rooms while I took care of the mopping, vaccuming. etc. Later this afternoon after an unusual warm lunch (hamburgers done at home by me, not papa) I settled to discover this new tool called a blog.

Well, my attempts at finding something to write about just got answered: Don just called home telling me he would not be home anytime soon. Even though he called upon leaving work and expecting to see him within 30 minutes of that call, so why shouldn't I expect him soon? Bad news: he just got into an car accident: he rear ended a lady not 5 miles from home! He is doing ok but the "rear ended one" complains of a back ache. "Back ache" my eye! They were starting from a red light when the person in front of her slammed on the brakes, then she slammed on the brakes and Don ran into her. Big deal right? He drives a VW Passat and she was at the wheel of an older Suburban! Her bumper had a dent and the front of our car is crumpled. Who's got the backache?? Now Don says the car can still be driven, but doesn't know if they'll repair it. Nice! We just paid it off, I mean not 1 month ago and I love that car. It gets good gas mileage and looks nice even being a few years old (2002). It's classy.

I rant because Don says he's ok, but I worry about the bills. I used to trust people, but I've learned not to, who knows what kind of stunt this lady is going to try to pull to get my lovey fish in trouble. He'll be considered at fault of course, even though he couldn't see passed the behemoth SAV a.k.a. Suburban Assault Vehicle in front of him. Suburbans are comfy and before you feel anything the one doing the hitting is going to be hurt first. So what is she trying to pull? Plus if we can't replace the Passat, I'll be out my economy, paid off car. That really stinks. I have other plans for his hard earned money besides paying a higher insurance premium, a high deductible for a possible fix of the car.
We'll see what the rest of the day will be like. I still have some translating to do and a lesson to get ready for my 8 4-year olds in church tomorrow.