Monday, June 29, 2009

I love it when things get done because I listened to the still small voice

Since Easter, Thomas has been passing the sacrament every week. I feel so happy when I see him walking up and down the aisles. He is growing up. The funny thing though is that he and I seem to not always be on the same wavelength. Nothing really surprising given the fact that he was always partial to his dad even as an infant, but sometimes lately it reaches "greek" proportions, especially when he talks back. I can't stand it and I fly into a rage. Not good to resolve issues is it? Anyway every once in a great while, I have flashes of genius (called inspiration from the Holy Ghost in my book) and do something completely unexpected. Noboday yells, or gets yelled at, slapped or otherwise disrespected, and things go according to plan.
I love it.
Like this morning I asked T. to vacuum the upstairs because I have a ton of translating to do. Well, I asked throughout the day to no avail. Being Monday, it's also violin lesson day at 16h00. About 20 min. before leaving I called an APB to get ready to go. At 15h55 I left with the 3 in tow and not bothering to wait for T. I left. He called on my cell, looking for me, I said I was gone. No tantrums, no screams. When we came home 1hr later, T. was putting the vacuum away and the job that had waited all day was done well. Tada♪
Maybe I'll try again tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. awesome. i need to tell you about a book i have. it is also awesome.
